Saturday, July 18, 2009

C&MA Peru Chinese Mission
Sharing at the 2009 CCA Annual Conference, 7/14-17

By: Michael Chang

C&MA missionaries have served in Peru for over 80 years. The C&MA National Church became independent in 2004.

Chinese Christian Evangelism & Church Planting ministries:

Target: 200,000 1st generation Chinese immigrants and their families
Estimated Christian believers: 300

Chinese Alliance Church of Lima (1979, Manuel/Elena Campos, no Chinese speaking pastor)

GO International Gospel Center (2002, Cathy Chan & Jamie Mo, Cantonese speaking, targeting Chifas)

C&MA Peru Chinese Mission (2003, Michael/Christina Chang; Miguel/Kumiko MacChiu; Julio Lau)

C&MA Peru Chinese Mission:

In the capital city of Lima:
Base: San Borja Chinese Alliance Church
Satellites: Districts of Los Olivos, Chinatown, & San Juan de Miraflores

In the provinces:
10 coastal cities to the north

The air in Lima Peru is polluted while the spiritual atmosphere in the entire country is also very much oppressed.

“3For though we live in the world, we do not wage war as the world does. 4The weapons we fight with are not the weapons of the world. On the contrary, they have divine power to demolish strongholds. 5We demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God, and we take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ. ” (II Corinthians 10:3-5)

Spiritual strongholds:

The Peruvian native religions:
Inca sun worship
Witchcraft practices
Idol worshiping folkloric “Catholicism”

Chinese traditional & folkloric religions/believes:
Nominal Buddhism
Ancestor worship,
Idol worship (Guanyin, Guangong, “Jesus”)


Immorality, corruption and adultery are rampant

Prayer requests:

1. Pray for raising of local believers to be disciples & future church leaders.
2. For the building project of the Multi-purpose Chinese-Alliance Community Center in
San Borja.
3. For pastoral leaders in ministry are filled with Holy Spirit and to be faithful in God’s
4. For the second generation ministry and its leaders
5. Pray against dark binding forces (gambling, adultery, idolatry, materialism).
6. For sharing of the Gospel through the monthly distribution of the Herald-Peru Edition
& the Zhong Xin Magazine
7. Pray against the Jehovah Witnesses’ activities

The following table presents the blessings to date and the challenge that lies ahead for the completion of this multi-purpose Chinese Community Center in Lima Peru.

September 2007
Purchase of property on Av. Aviación 26th block (a very strategic location for the Chinese ministries in Lima Peru)
$260,000 cash deal
December 2007 to July 2009
Architectural design of 4-story Chinese Community Center;
application for demolition & construction permit
7/8/2009 Municipal of San Borja approved all of our application; construction permit is soon at hand when applicable tax is paid
July 2009
Signing contract with construction company “Roca Fuerte”
The owner/architect Jorge Young has much experience in building churches and is a trust worthy believer of the Peruvian C&MA Church
August 2009 to January 2010 (demolition-20 days; construction-4.5 months)
Phase I:
Demolition of the existing old building;
Construction of the 4-story concrete structure of the new center
Phase I funding need: $300,000 (with $170,000 cash in hand; by 10/2009 need to raise $130,000)
November 2009 to xxxx
Phase II:
Interior work (design & construction)
Phase II funding need: total estimate: $300,000 (similar to the exterior structure cost )

Challenge before move-in:

$130,000 for the 4-story concrete structure (by 10/2009)
$100,000 for the interior work of the main hall and electrical and sanitary
systems before move-in condition (by 1/2010)
$230,000 total needed for move-in by 1/2010
$200,000 additional need for completion in the years to come

Prayer support is very much needed and appreciated.

Mailing address for financial support:

CCA of C&MA in USA
P.O. Box 560116
College Point, NY 11356-0116
(Pls designate: Peru Building Fund)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Has anyone ever used D.H. Griffin for Demolition, construction, or site development?