Tuesday, November 03, 2009
Monday, October 19, 2009
太阳山(Morro Solar)上的教皇十字架(Cruz del Papa)
在秘魯首都利馬市的南端有一個區叫Chorrillos。它緊靠著太平洋。在它細長半島形的尾端有個“太陽山”(Morro Solar)。在此山上豎立著“教皇十字架”(La Cruz del Papa)。晚間呈十字架形的水銀燈光芒四射,打老遠就可見。
Saturday, July 18, 2009
祕魯宣道會-華人差會事工 簡介
張牧師, 2009-7-1
福音對象: 200,000人第一代移民及其家庭 (今年紀念華人抵秘第160週年)
信徒人數: 估計300人
1.) 利馬華僑宣道會 (1979無操華語傳道人)
2.) 華人福音普傳會 (2003, 粵語/餐福)
3.) 秘魯宣道會-華人差會 (2003)
祕魯宣道會-華人差會 (張牧師負責)
2009 主題: “建人---建堂”
“主乃活石...你們來到主面前,也就像活石,被建造成為靈 宮...奉獻神所悅納的靈祭." (彼前2: 4-5)
“基地點”-寶華堂 (2003年10月成立) 定期聚會:
星期日 上午 9:00主日崇拜; 成人主日學; 青年崇拜(西文); 兒童主日學
星期二 下午 4:00-6:00 查經/禱告會(Lince)
星期三 晚上 6:45-9:00 禱告會/查經班 (寶華堂)
星期六 下午 2:00-4:00 青少年團契(西文)
星期六 下午 2:00-4:00查經/禱告會(唐人街)
每月最末週六,下午4:00-6:00 姐妹會(寶華堂)
每月最末主日,下午4:00-6:00 弟兄會(Miraflores麥當勞)
每月第一週六, 晚上7:00 同工會
· 橄欖區 (北區6/2004): 每週六上午9:00; 每月第三週二, 午夜12:00 餐福
· 唐人街 (市區3/2004): 每週二, 四, 六 福音中心開放; 每月第三週一, 晚上8:00 餐福
· 聖華區 (南區4/2006): 每月第二及第四個週四, 午夜12:00 餐福
秘魯外省10個城市(3/2009走訪) 及Iquitos 市(2006始—每年固定訪宣)
文字刊物: 每個月3,000份“號角-秘魯版”月刊; 數百份“中信月刊”; 福音單張
同工團隊: 五個事工小组/負責小组长 (需要: 領袖訓練)
教牧同工團隊: 兩對夫婦 + 一位單身, 共五人
· 宣教士張獻珉牧師夫婦 (2003至今, 由美國宣道會總部差派Great Commission Fund支付生活費)
· 本地同工麥嗣勇夫婦 (2003至今, 生活費由華聯會/寶華堂支持)
· 本地同工劉武揚傳道 (從2008年11月, 開始憑信心仰望神的供應; 至今寶華堂按月提供部分生活費; 每月尚缺$600; 有待外來經費支持)
購置寶華區Av. Aviación 第26街產業
2007年12月 至2009年7月
建築設計4層中心大樓; 申請市政建築執照
7/8/2009 San Borja 市政批准建築執照申請
與Roca Fuerte建築公司簽約
第一期: 拆除舊房; 興蓋4層大樓鋼筋水泥外殼
第一期建築經費: 建築公司合同定價: $300,000 (已有現金$170,000; 在2009年10月前需籌款 $130,000)
第二期: 內部裝修
第二期裝修經費: 總共預計: $300,000
CCA of C&MA in USA
P.O. Box 560116
College Point, NY 11356-0116
(請注明: Peru Building Fund)
屬靈營壘 (張獻珉牧師, 於2009年2月3日)
神既然帶領我們來到秘魯使我們有機會蒙恩信主,又要我們在本地廣大的華僑同胞之中爲祂做見證,傳福音,使人人也都有機會認識真神並認罪悔改接受耶穌基督得到永生;我們就得好好地追求成長, 並遵行主的“大使命”去完成祂在我們個人身上和教會中的託付。但是傳福音領人歸主實在是一場屬靈的爭戰。神的仇敵撒旦魔鬼在我們僑居的國家和在我們華人的文化傳統之中長期佔領了許多“營壘”。難怪我們傳福音時受到極大的阻攔,人心受到捆綁不得釋放。要是我們不認識事情的真相並聯合起來認真的禱告,針對性的,爲了要破除各類屬靈營壘的,禱告,我們繼續下去僅會是空忙一場,白做虛工。所以, 我們呼籲同工弟兄姐妹們好不好讓我們在主的面前痛下決心, 以信心的禱告抵擋撒旦趕逐汙鬼, 命令它們不得再繼續捆綁人心, 使人們得以被釋放並歸向基督得到永生!
“因為我們雖然在血氣中行事,卻不憑著血氣爭戰。我們爭戰的兵器本不是屬血氣的,乃是在 神面前有能力,可以攻破堅固的營壘,將各樣的計謀,各樣攔阻人認識 神的那些自高之事,一概攻破了,又將人所有的心意奪回,使他都順服基督。”(林後10:3-5)
拉丁民族的“男子漢大丈夫主義” (Machismo)
華人的各類多型的惡習(拜金; 吃喝享樂; 大男人主義; 賭; 嫖; 過度節省/小氣;。。。)
邪說 (無神論,不信主, 不信人, 只信自己。。。)
1. 自己要聖潔
2. 用信心和信靠的禱告,並邀請更多的基督徒一同禱告。
3. 禁食禱告
4. 靠呼求救主耶穌基督的全名抵擋撒旦。“拿撒勒人耶穌基督”(徒3:6)
5. 針對性和個別性地以禱告攻擊,趕逐撒旦和汙鬼離開所佔據的營壘。
6. 多講和多唱有關耶穌的寶血的事和詩歌。 “弟兄勝過他是因羔羊的寶血。。。”(啓12:11)
7. 朗誦聖經有關基督已勝過一切邪惡的勢力的經節。“。。。他用權柄吩咐汙鬼,連汙鬼也聽從了他。”(可1:27)“耶穌。。。對他們說,天上地下所有的權柄,都賜給我了。”(太28:18)
8. 宣告
張牧師, 2009-7-1
福音對象: 200,000人第一代移民及其家庭 (今年紀念華人抵秘第160週年)
信徒人數: 估計300人
1.) 利馬華僑宣道會 (1979無操華語傳道人)
2.) 華人福音普傳會 (2003, 粵語/餐福)
3.) 秘魯宣道會-華人差會 (2003)
祕魯宣道會-華人差會 (張牧師負責)
2009 主題: “建人---建堂”
“主乃活石...你們來到主面前,也就像活石,被建造成為靈 宮...奉獻神所悅納的靈祭." (彼前2: 4-5)
“基地點”-寶華堂 (2003年10月成立) 定期聚會:
星期日 上午 9:00主日崇拜; 成人主日學; 青年崇拜(西文); 兒童主日學
星期二 下午 4:00-6:00 查經/禱告會(Lince)
星期三 晚上 6:45-9:00 禱告會/查經班 (寶華堂)
星期六 下午 2:00-4:00 青少年團契(西文)
星期六 下午 2:00-4:00查經/禱告會(唐人街)
每月最末週六,下午4:00-6:00 姐妹會(寶華堂)
每月最末主日,下午4:00-6:00 弟兄會(Miraflores麥當勞)
每月第一週六, 晚上7:00 同工會
· 橄欖區 (北區6/2004): 每週六上午9:00; 每月第三週二, 午夜12:00 餐福
· 唐人街 (市區3/2004): 每週二, 四, 六 福音中心開放; 每月第三週一, 晚上8:00 餐福
· 聖華區 (南區4/2006): 每月第二及第四個週四, 午夜12:00 餐福
秘魯外省10個城市(3/2009走訪) 及Iquitos 市(2006始—每年固定訪宣)
文字刊物: 每個月3,000份“號角-秘魯版”月刊; 數百份“中信月刊”; 福音單張
同工團隊: 五個事工小组/負責小组长 (需要: 領袖訓練)
教牧同工團隊: 兩對夫婦 + 一位單身, 共五人
· 宣教士張獻珉牧師夫婦 (2003至今, 由美國宣道會總部差派Great Commission Fund支付生活費)
· 本地同工麥嗣勇夫婦 (2003至今, 生活費由華聯會/寶華堂支持)
· 本地同工劉武揚傳道 (從2008年11月, 開始憑信心仰望神的供應; 至今寶華堂按月提供部分生活費; 每月尚缺$600; 有待外來經費支持)
購置寶華區Av. Aviación 第26街產業
2007年12月 至2009年7月
建築設計4層中心大樓; 申請市政建築執照
7/8/2009 San Borja 市政批准建築執照申請
與Roca Fuerte建築公司簽約
第一期: 拆除舊房; 興蓋4層大樓鋼筋水泥外殼
第一期建築經費: 建築公司合同定價: $300,000 (已有現金$170,000; 在2009年10月前需籌款 $130,000)
第二期: 內部裝修
第二期裝修經費: 總共預計: $300,000
CCA of C&MA in USA
P.O. Box 560116
College Point, NY 11356-0116
(請注明: Peru Building Fund)
屬靈營壘 (張獻珉牧師, 於2009年2月3日)
神既然帶領我們來到秘魯使我們有機會蒙恩信主,又要我們在本地廣大的華僑同胞之中爲祂做見證,傳福音,使人人也都有機會認識真神並認罪悔改接受耶穌基督得到永生;我們就得好好地追求成長, 並遵行主的“大使命”去完成祂在我們個人身上和教會中的託付。但是傳福音領人歸主實在是一場屬靈的爭戰。神的仇敵撒旦魔鬼在我們僑居的國家和在我們華人的文化傳統之中長期佔領了許多“營壘”。難怪我們傳福音時受到極大的阻攔,人心受到捆綁不得釋放。要是我們不認識事情的真相並聯合起來認真的禱告,針對性的,爲了要破除各類屬靈營壘的,禱告,我們繼續下去僅會是空忙一場,白做虛工。所以, 我們呼籲同工弟兄姐妹們好不好讓我們在主的面前痛下決心, 以信心的禱告抵擋撒旦趕逐汙鬼, 命令它們不得再繼續捆綁人心, 使人們得以被釋放並歸向基督得到永生!
“因為我們雖然在血氣中行事,卻不憑著血氣爭戰。我們爭戰的兵器本不是屬血氣的,乃是在 神面前有能力,可以攻破堅固的營壘,將各樣的計謀,各樣攔阻人認識 神的那些自高之事,一概攻破了,又將人所有的心意奪回,使他都順服基督。”(林後10:3-5)
拉丁民族的“男子漢大丈夫主義” (Machismo)
華人的各類多型的惡習(拜金; 吃喝享樂; 大男人主義; 賭; 嫖; 過度節省/小氣;。。。)
邪說 (無神論,不信主, 不信人, 只信自己。。。)
1. 自己要聖潔
2. 用信心和信靠的禱告,並邀請更多的基督徒一同禱告。
3. 禁食禱告
4. 靠呼求救主耶穌基督的全名抵擋撒旦。“拿撒勒人耶穌基督”(徒3:6)
5. 針對性和個別性地以禱告攻擊,趕逐撒旦和汙鬼離開所佔據的營壘。
6. 多講和多唱有關耶穌的寶血的事和詩歌。 “弟兄勝過他是因羔羊的寶血。。。”(啓12:11)
7. 朗誦聖經有關基督已勝過一切邪惡的勢力的經節。“。。。他用權柄吩咐汙鬼,連汙鬼也聽從了他。”(可1:27)“耶穌。。。對他們說,天上地下所有的權柄,都賜給我了。”(太28:18)
8. 宣告
C&MA Peru Chinese Mission
Sharing at the 2009 CCA Annual Conference, 7/14-17
By: Michael Chang
C&MA missionaries have served in Peru for over 80 years. The C&MA National Church became independent in 2004.
Chinese Christian Evangelism & Church Planting ministries:
Target: 200,000 1st generation Chinese immigrants and their families
Estimated Christian believers: 300
Chinese Alliance Church of Lima (1979, Manuel/Elena Campos, no Chinese speaking pastor)
GO International Gospel Center (2002, Cathy Chan & Jamie Mo, Cantonese speaking, targeting Chifas)
C&MA Peru Chinese Mission (2003, Michael/Christina Chang; Miguel/Kumiko MacChiu; Julio Lau)
C&MA Peru Chinese Mission:
In the capital city of Lima:
Base: San Borja Chinese Alliance Church
Satellites: Districts of Los Olivos, Chinatown, & San Juan de Miraflores
In the provinces:
10 coastal cities to the north
The air in Lima Peru is polluted while the spiritual atmosphere in the entire country is also very much oppressed.
“3For though we live in the world, we do not wage war as the world does. 4The weapons we fight with are not the weapons of the world. On the contrary, they have divine power to demolish strongholds. 5We demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God, and we take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ. ” (II Corinthians 10:3-5)
Spiritual strongholds:
The Peruvian native religions:
Inca sun worship
Witchcraft practices
Idol worshiping folkloric “Catholicism”
Chinese traditional & folkloric religions/believes:
Nominal Buddhism
Ancestor worship,
Idol worship (Guanyin, Guangong, “Jesus”)
Immorality, corruption and adultery are rampant
Prayer requests:
1. Pray for raising of local believers to be disciples & future church leaders.
2. For the building project of the Multi-purpose Chinese-Alliance Community Center in
San Borja.
3. For pastoral leaders in ministry are filled with Holy Spirit and to be faithful in God’s
4. For the second generation ministry and its leaders
5. Pray against dark binding forces (gambling, adultery, idolatry, materialism).
6. For sharing of the Gospel through the monthly distribution of the Herald-Peru Edition
& the Zhong Xin Magazine
7. Pray against the Jehovah Witnesses’ activities
The following table presents the blessings to date and the challenge that lies ahead for the completion of this multi-purpose Chinese Community Center in Lima Peru.
September 2007
Purchase of property on Av. Aviación 26th block (a very strategic location for the Chinese ministries in Lima Peru)
$260,000 cash deal
December 2007 to July 2009
Architectural design of 4-story Chinese Community Center;
application for demolition & construction permit
7/8/2009 Municipal of San Borja approved all of our application; construction permit is soon at hand when applicable tax is paid
July 2009
Signing contract with construction company “Roca Fuerte”
The owner/architect Jorge Young has much experience in building churches and is a trust worthy believer of the Peruvian C&MA Church
August 2009 to January 2010 (demolition-20 days; construction-4.5 months)
Phase I:
Demolition of the existing old building;
Construction of the 4-story concrete structure of the new center
Phase I funding need: $300,000 (with $170,000 cash in hand; by 10/2009 need to raise $130,000)
November 2009 to xxxx
Phase II:
Interior work (design & construction)
Phase II funding need: total estimate: $300,000 (similar to the exterior structure cost )
Challenge before move-in:
$130,000 for the 4-story concrete structure (by 10/2009)
$100,000 for the interior work of the main hall and electrical and sanitary
systems before move-in condition (by 1/2010)
$230,000 total needed for move-in by 1/2010
$200,000 additional need for completion in the years to come
Prayer support is very much needed and appreciated.
Mailing address for financial support:
CCA of C&MA in USA
P.O. Box 560116
College Point, NY 11356-0116
(Pls designate: Peru Building Fund)
Sharing at the 2009 CCA Annual Conference, 7/14-17
By: Michael Chang
C&MA missionaries have served in Peru for over 80 years. The C&MA National Church became independent in 2004.
Chinese Christian Evangelism & Church Planting ministries:
Target: 200,000 1st generation Chinese immigrants and their families
Estimated Christian believers: 300
Chinese Alliance Church of Lima (1979, Manuel/Elena Campos, no Chinese speaking pastor)
GO International Gospel Center (2002, Cathy Chan & Jamie Mo, Cantonese speaking, targeting Chifas)
C&MA Peru Chinese Mission (2003, Michael/Christina Chang; Miguel/Kumiko MacChiu; Julio Lau)
C&MA Peru Chinese Mission:
In the capital city of Lima:
Base: San Borja Chinese Alliance Church
Satellites: Districts of Los Olivos, Chinatown, & San Juan de Miraflores
In the provinces:
10 coastal cities to the north
The air in Lima Peru is polluted while the spiritual atmosphere in the entire country is also very much oppressed.
“3For though we live in the world, we do not wage war as the world does. 4The weapons we fight with are not the weapons of the world. On the contrary, they have divine power to demolish strongholds. 5We demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God, and we take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ. ” (II Corinthians 10:3-5)
Spiritual strongholds:
The Peruvian native religions:
Inca sun worship
Witchcraft practices
Idol worshiping folkloric “Catholicism”
Chinese traditional & folkloric religions/believes:
Nominal Buddhism
Ancestor worship,
Idol worship (Guanyin, Guangong, “Jesus”)
Immorality, corruption and adultery are rampant
Prayer requests:
1. Pray for raising of local believers to be disciples & future church leaders.
2. For the building project of the Multi-purpose Chinese-Alliance Community Center in
San Borja.
3. For pastoral leaders in ministry are filled with Holy Spirit and to be faithful in God’s
4. For the second generation ministry and its leaders
5. Pray against dark binding forces (gambling, adultery, idolatry, materialism).
6. For sharing of the Gospel through the monthly distribution of the Herald-Peru Edition
& the Zhong Xin Magazine
7. Pray against the Jehovah Witnesses’ activities
The following table presents the blessings to date and the challenge that lies ahead for the completion of this multi-purpose Chinese Community Center in Lima Peru.
September 2007
Purchase of property on Av. Aviación 26th block (a very strategic location for the Chinese ministries in Lima Peru)
$260,000 cash deal
December 2007 to July 2009
Architectural design of 4-story Chinese Community Center;
application for demolition & construction permit
7/8/2009 Municipal of San Borja approved all of our application; construction permit is soon at hand when applicable tax is paid
July 2009
Signing contract with construction company “Roca Fuerte”
The owner/architect Jorge Young has much experience in building churches and is a trust worthy believer of the Peruvian C&MA Church
August 2009 to January 2010 (demolition-20 days; construction-4.5 months)
Phase I:
Demolition of the existing old building;
Construction of the 4-story concrete structure of the new center
Phase I funding need: $300,000 (with $170,000 cash in hand; by 10/2009 need to raise $130,000)
November 2009 to xxxx
Phase II:
Interior work (design & construction)
Phase II funding need: total estimate: $300,000 (similar to the exterior structure cost )
Challenge before move-in:
$130,000 for the 4-story concrete structure (by 10/2009)
$100,000 for the interior work of the main hall and electrical and sanitary
systems before move-in condition (by 1/2010)
$230,000 total needed for move-in by 1/2010
$200,000 additional need for completion in the years to come
Prayer support is very much needed and appreciated.
Mailing address for financial support:
CCA of C&MA in USA
P.O. Box 560116
College Point, NY 11356-0116
(Pls designate: Peru Building Fund)
San Borja Building Project Progress and Challenge
Lima Peru
Michael Chang, 7/9/2009
To further the growth and expansion of the Chinese evangelism & Church Planting efforts, we are in need to build a Multi-Purpose Community Center that would facilitate outreaching into the Chinese community and ministering to their needs. The center would also provide space for the Chinese Alliance Church of San Borja, thus bridging the community and the church.
The following table presents what God has blessed the project and the challenge that lies ahead for the completion of this multi-purposed Chinese Community Center in Lima Peru.
September 2007
Purchase of property on Av. Aviación 26th block (a very strategic location for the Chinese ministries in Lima Peru)
$260,000 cash deal
December 2007 to July 2009
Architectural design of 4-story Chinese Community Center;
application for demolition & construction permit
7/8/2009 Municipal of San Borja approved all of our application; construction permit is soon at hand when applicable tax is paid
July 2009
Signing contract with construction company “Roca Fuerte”
The owner/architect Jorge Young has much experience in building churches and is a trust worthy believer of the Peruvian C&MA Church
August 2009 to January 2010 (demolition-20 days; construction-4.5 months)
Phase I:
Demolition of the existing old building;
Construction of the 4-story concrete structure of the new center
Phase I funding need: $300,000 (with $170,000 cash in hand; by 10/2009 need to raise $130,000)
November 2009 to xxxx
Phase II:
Interior work (design & construction)
Phase II funding need: total estimate: $300,000 (similar to the exterior structure cost )
Challenge before move-in condition:
$130,000 for the 4-story concrete structure
$100,000 for the interior work of the main hall and electrical and sanitary
systems before move-in condition
Total: $230,000
It is desired to take occupancy of the partially completed facility as soon as possible. After entering the new building, over time as the ministry grows it is required to complete the interior work step by step, an additional need to complete the total project will be $200,000
We trust that the Lord is going to provide for the needs, because in late 2005 the vision for the Chinese Community center was first initiated by Him.
Prayer support is greatly needed and appreciated.
Mailing address for financial support:
CCA of C&MA in USA
P.O. Box 560116
College Point, NY 11356-0116
(Pls designate: Peru Building Fund)
Michael Chang, 7/9/2009
To further the growth and expansion of the Chinese evangelism & Church Planting efforts, we are in need to build a Multi-Purpose Community Center that would facilitate outreaching into the Chinese community and ministering to their needs. The center would also provide space for the Chinese Alliance Church of San Borja, thus bridging the community and the church.
The following table presents what God has blessed the project and the challenge that lies ahead for the completion of this multi-purposed Chinese Community Center in Lima Peru.
September 2007
Purchase of property on Av. Aviación 26th block (a very strategic location for the Chinese ministries in Lima Peru)
$260,000 cash deal
December 2007 to July 2009
Architectural design of 4-story Chinese Community Center;
application for demolition & construction permit
7/8/2009 Municipal of San Borja approved all of our application; construction permit is soon at hand when applicable tax is paid
July 2009
Signing contract with construction company “Roca Fuerte”
The owner/architect Jorge Young has much experience in building churches and is a trust worthy believer of the Peruvian C&MA Church
August 2009 to January 2010 (demolition-20 days; construction-4.5 months)
Phase I:
Demolition of the existing old building;
Construction of the 4-story concrete structure of the new center
Phase I funding need: $300,000 (with $170,000 cash in hand; by 10/2009 need to raise $130,000)
November 2009 to xxxx
Phase II:
Interior work (design & construction)
Phase II funding need: total estimate: $300,000 (similar to the exterior structure cost )
Challenge before move-in condition:
$130,000 for the 4-story concrete structure
$100,000 for the interior work of the main hall and electrical and sanitary
systems before move-in condition
Total: $230,000
It is desired to take occupancy of the partially completed facility as soon as possible. After entering the new building, over time as the ministry grows it is required to complete the interior work step by step, an additional need to complete the total project will be $200,000
We trust that the Lord is going to provide for the needs, because in late 2005 the vision for the Chinese Community center was first initiated by Him.
Prayer support is greatly needed and appreciated.
Mailing address for financial support:
CCA of C&MA in USA
P.O. Box 560116
College Point, NY 11356-0116
(Pls designate: Peru Building Fund)
Wednesday, April 01, 2009
秘鲁华人教会 第一届联合培灵会
聚会地点:FINCA BAUTISTA(Av. San Martin 610, Santa Eulalia)
组别:分为:1.中文成人组。 2.西文及青少年组。 3.儿童组。
联系人:张献珉牧师 电话:4477746 或手机:99706-0218
报名及收款人:朱先捷弟兄 电话:475-3238 或手机:99507-8168
集合地点:宣道会宝华堂(AV.San Borja Norte 813. )
收款人签名: 日期---------年------月---------日
秘鲁华人教会 第一届联合培灵会 报名表
年 龄
备 註
缴费金额总计: 百 十索尔整。
日期: 年 月 日
聚会地点:FINCA BAUTISTA(Av. San Martin 610, Santa Eulalia)
组别:分为:1.中文成人组。 2.西文及青少年组。 3.儿童组。
联系人:张献珉牧师 电话:4477746 或手机:99706-0218
报名及收款人:朱先捷弟兄 电话:475-3238 或手机:99507-8168
集合地点:宣道会宝华堂(AV.San Borja Norte 813. )
收款人签名: 日期---------年------月---------日
秘鲁华人教会 第一届联合培灵会 报名表
年 龄
备 註
缴费金额总计: 百 十索尔整。
日期: 年 月 日
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