Tuesday, December 12, 2006

Praise & Prayer items:

1. Praise God for protecting us not to go through with the purchase of the house on Beethoven Street. We just discovered that the owner's wife's name in the deed did not match with her current ID card. This would create a big legal hastle when we would go and register the property under the Mission's name. It would certainly complicate the issue with the current owners living in the States. This is probably the reason that they insisted to get the full payment before we could have a chance to register the property with the proper government agency.

2. Continue to pray for our building search for the San Borja Church.

3. Praise God for the significant increase of Sunday attendance at the San Borja Church.

4. Praise God for Derrick Chan from Westside Calgary Chinese Alliance Church who has started to serve the Lord with us until 3/27/2007.

5. Next year both Christina and I will have completed our 4-year term and we will be returning to the States for six months, from 4/9 to 10/9/2007. We are seeking the right pastor(s) to come to Lima to fill the vacancy left behind by us to continue our church ministries. My assistant, Pastor Miguel, and his wife Kumiko would need your prayer suport while they are here holding on to the fort during our long absence.

6. During our Home/Assignment in the States, we will be visiting churches and families. Pray that the Lord would guide us as how we schedule the time and make the plans in accordance to His will.

7. Continue to pray for the members of Los Olivos Church for the transformation of their spiritual lives.

8. Pray for the owners and workers in the "chifas" (Chinese restaurants). There are 4,000 to 6,000 chifas in Peru, 90% of them are in Lima. This is a vast mission field. Pray that the Lord would send and raise His choicest servants to minister to this special needed people group.

Thanks for praying for the Chinese in Peru!

Sunday, November 12, 2006

Herald Monthly-Peru Edition 號角月刊-秘魯版

Lima Coworkers:
Jose Su, Angel Yu, Michael Chang, Felipe Zhou, Mateo Loo (Miguel MacChiu was absent) Posted by Picasa

Friday, November 10, 2006

12/13/2006 Deal on house fell through...Praise the LORD!!

Front View from Calle Beethoven

Side view from Calle Cuatro (black door at the end is the garage entrance) Posted by Picasa
House sitting on corner lot (over 400 sqr meters)

Calle Beethoven view -- 1 block to Av. San Luis

Calle Cuatro view -- 1 block to a park
(Private High School Molinari next to house)

Wednesday, November 08, 2006


From San Borja CAC. Right after our 3rd Anniversary Celebration Service. Posted by Picasa

Thursday, November 02, 2006

The 3rd Anniversary of the San Borja CAC 10/22/2006

Group picture after the service


Children story time

Youths skit
 Posted by Picasa

Monday, October 23, 2006


自我們來到秘魯,走訪本地華僑界時,總會聽見人說:“和你們一夥的教徒已經來過了……並給我們留下了刊物”。最初,我們還感到有些納悶, “我們從沒來過啊!到底還有誰那麼熱心,那麼關心我們的同胞?”很快便發現那所謂的與我們一夥的“教徒”是一對日本夫婦和一對韓國夫婦。他們都學了中文,可以用華語溝通並專門向僑居利馬的華人傳道、分發宣傳刊物。可惜的是,他們所傳的卻是一種「似是而非的基督教」。我們根本就不認識他們,也不認同他們所傳的。他們是「耶和華見證會」的人,表面上看,也都是傳上帝、傳耶穌的。難怪不知情的外人,還以爲基督教與耶和華見證會都是一樣的呢。








Sunday, October 22, 2006



在距離利馬較偏遠的SAN JUAN DE MIRAFLORES區和LOS OLIVOS區,有許多經營街邊小檔的福建新移民,他們平日工作辛苦。寶華堂就每周兩次探訪,關心他們的疾苦,利用晚上十二點到淩晨兩點餐館的空閒時間,與他們聊天,關懷他們的生活,了卻他們平日的寂寞。
在本周22日星期天,寶華堂將在Av. San Borja Norte 813, 下午4點至7點舉行慶祝活動,張牧師歡迎僑胞參加:“希望所有華人感受到我們的這份愛。”

Thursday, October 19, 2006





財務---按照聖經的教導,一切的財富都是從神而來。教會眾肢體不斷在學習盡上十一奉獻的本分,好讓神的家沒有缺糧。 於建堂和宣教的需要上,肢體們也都在學習信心的奉獻,和犧牲的奉獻。

本地福音/外地宣教---除了寶華區(San Borja),由今年四月起,我們到聖華區(San Juan de Miraflores)去開闢了一個新的福音工場。五月底,差派出本堂第一對短宣隊到伊奇多市(Iquitos)去探望那裏的僑胞們。




姐妹會---身兼數職的姐妹們在生活中免不了遇上困難,心裡苦悶。 一個月一次,她們有一個特別的機會參加姐妹團契,大家聚一聚,談一談,彼此分享,彼此分擔。





短宣隊---三年來,本堂不斷有短宣隊從美國、加拿大及其他國家來訪。短宣隊的成員都是各個差派教會的精英,他們不是來旅遊,而都抱著一個共同的態度:不惜代價,不論早晚地關心本地的僑胞。根據每個短宣隊員的恩賜與專業,我們已與他們合辦了多次創新多元化的活動 (如:各科義診,兒童歡樂日,青少年營,廚藝交流,粵曲新唱……) 總的來說,這些節目都受到廣大僑界的歡迎,令許多人獲益。


Monday, October 16, 2006

Us & Our Coworkers


Michael &

Kumiko &

Posted by Picasa

Monday, October 09, 2006

Thursday, September 28, 2006

Chinese Mission of the C&MA in Peru

(Updated 9/27/2006)

Church in Development

Chinese immigration to Peru started 157 years ago. Not until the late 1950’s, the gospel ministry began among the Chinese immigrants here.

In 2003, the Christian & Missionary Alliance in the US sent a missionary couple; while the Chinese Churches Association of the C&MA of US as well as Taiwan Alliance Church Union started supporting another couple to serve in Peru. At the time, there was only one Chinese church in the entire Peru. By God’s grace, the new Chinese Mission has started ministries in four key locations in Lima.

1. San Borja
Location: The District of San Borja is located in a more upscale area of the City of Lima, where many mid to upper middle class business owners reside.

Congregation: In 10/2003, the Chinese Alliance Church (CAC) in San Borja came to being. Currently, the CAC in San Borja is consisted of 35 adults, 12 youths & 10 children.

2. Los Olivos

Location: The District of Los Olivos is located in the north of the City. Many new immigrants find it attractive to start businesses there due to the lower cost.

Congregation: The CAC in Los Olivos was established in 6/2004. Currently the congregation is consisted of 15 adults & 9 children. The great majority of them are restaurant owners.

3. Lima Chinatown
Location: Chinatown is located in the City Center of Lima. It’s within walking distance to the Congress and the Presidential Palace. Within the surrounding of a few city blocks, quite many Chinese businesses, restaurants and Chinese fraternal/cultural associations can be found.

Gospel Center: In 3/2004, the Lima Chinatown Alliance Gospel Center began in the heart of Chinatown.

Services offered: Gospel literature, audio/visual material, free medical clinic, special topic seminars, counseling, introductory class to Spanish, and Bible study.

4. San Juan de Miraflores

Location: The District of SJM is located in the south of the City. It is an under-developing area of Lima. Together with the adjacent Districts of Villa Maria del Triunfo and Villa El Salvador, SJM is very attractive to the new Chinese immigrants due to its developing nature with more business opportunities.

Mid-night Bible Study: In March 2006, during the Lima Chinese Restaurant Campaign and STM effort, we discovered that there were many chifas run by people from the Province of Fujian. Some of them had prior contact with Christianity back in China. In April we started a bi-weekly Mid-night Bible Study in an Internet Café where is frequented by many Chinese expatriates in the surrounding area to get on-line and make long distance phone calls back to China.
On average there are 14 people attending the Bible study.

5. Iquitos

Location: Iquitos is a port city in the north of Peru in the Amazon jungle where the River Amazon initiates. It takes an hour and half by plane from Lima. There are close to 100 Chinese owned tiendas (shops) and chifas combined. Most of them are Cantonese. There are a sizeable Hakanese originated from Guang-dong.
STM Campaign: Starting in 2006 the San Borja CAC has adopted Iquitos as its missions target. In May, a team of five members went and ministered to the Chinese immigrants there for a week. The second STM trip is scheduled for the end of November.

Vision & Challenges

It’s been estimated that the Chinese population in Peru is about 150,000 persons and the Christian to population ratio is at 1:1000. To reach 5% goal, each present Chinese Christian believer would need to convert 50 people for Christ.

Church Planting
The great majority of Chinese immigrants reside in the Capital City of Lima. Enumerating the pockets of current Chinese population within the City, there are at least five more Chinese church plants are necessary: Lima downtown, Callao, Comas, Surco, Miraflores, and San Juan de Miraflores.

Co-Laborers and ministry opportunities
The work is plentiful, but the laborers are few! We currently are in need of two more Chinese Christian worker-couples to conduct pastoral/discipleship and evangelism/church-planting ministries. And there are more work to do: worship leading, preaching, discipleship training, follow-up visitation, Vacation Bible School, Youth Camp, special topic seminars, free medical clinic, music concert, evangelistic events, personal evangelism, prayer walk, etc.

“Chinese-Alliance Center”
To further the growth and expansion of the new ministries, we are in need to build a Multi-Purpose Community Center that would facilitate outreaching into the Chinese community and ministering to their needs. The center would also provide space for the CAC of San Borja, thus bridging the community and the church. The budget for the first phase of the project is $250,000. To date we have raised $150,000.

Any gift towards this purpose may be mailed to:

The Christian & Missionary Alliance
Donor Accounting
P.O. Box 35000
Colorado Springs, CO 80935-3500
(Please put in the memo space: for Peru Chinese Evang/Ch Planting)

Prayer Requests
1. Rising of local believers to be disciples & church leaders
2. Building of the Chinese-Alliance Center in San Borja
3. Co-workers in ministry to be filled with His Spirit and be faithful in His Service
4. The Second generation ministry and its co-workers
5. Against dark binding forces (gambling, idolatry, ancestor worship, long hours of work and
6. Joint efforts with STM teams
7. Sharing of the Gospel through the monthly distribution of the Herald-Peru Edition (3,000
copies) & the Zhong Xin Magazine (200 copies)
8. Additional full time co-laborer couples
9. Pray against the Jehovah Witnesses’ activities targeting the Chinese in Peru. Their work is
conducted by Mandarin speaking Japanese and Korean couples.

C&MA Chinese Mission in Peru





於二○○三年美國宣道會總部差派一對宣教士,美國華人宣道會聯會以及宣道會台灣省聯會也開始支援另一對宣教士至秘魯,當時這裡只有一所華人教會,位於Pueblo Libre 區。蒙主恩導,我們目前已設立了兩所 ”正在開拓中” 的教會及三個福音工作聚點。

(一) 寶華堂

成立於2003 年10月

地點: 利馬市東部 San Borja 區 (中上層華僑密度高)

會眾: 三十五位成人,十二位青少年及10位兒童。多數為初信、從事非餐飲業 (國語/粵語)

主日崇拜, 主日學, 兒童主日學, 查經班, 青少年(第二代)崇拜/團契。

(二) 橄欖堂

成立於2004 年6月
地點: 利馬市北部Los Olivos 區 (新移民居多)

會眾: 十五位成人,三位青少年,及六位兒童。 多數為初信、從事餐飲業 (粵語/國語/客語)

各項聚會: 主日崇拜, 主日學, 青少年/兒童主日學

(三) 利馬唐人街福音中心

成立於2004 年3月

地點: 利馬市中心唐人街 (老華僑及新移民均等)

各項服務:閱覽室、影音室、個人協談、義診、 專題講座、專人輔導、小組聚會


成立於 2006年4月

地點:利馬市南部San Juan de Miraflores區 (福建來的新移民居多)


(五)Iquitos 短宣






秘魯共約有十五萬華僑, 其中僅一百五十人為基督徒(1000:1)。

秘魯大多數華僑散居於首都利馬市, 目前另有五個區尚待開發植堂: Lima 市中心區, Callao區, Comas區, Miraflores區, Surco區, San Juan de Miraflores區


主日崇拜帶領、主日崇拜講道、主日門徒訓練、分組跟進探訪、 兒童聖經學校 、青少年營會、 義診、音樂會、佈道會、個人佈道、走禱、等等。


The Christian & Missionary Alliance
Donor Accounting
P.O. Box 35000
Colorado Springs, CO 80935-3500

Peru Chinese Evang/Ch Planting

代禱事項 :
1. 眾信徒: 忠心追求, 靈命長進, 熱心事奉, 興起領袖, 宣揚真道
2. 緊迫建堂需要
3. 教牧同工: 忠於主命, 靈力充沛
4. 第二代福音事工/同工
5. 黑暗勢力: 賭, 色, 偶像, 憂慮
6. 短宣配搭
7. 福音佈道,包括每月發行號角月報秘魯版(三千份)、中信月刊(兩百份)
8. 全時間傳道同工
9. 耶和華見證人活動猖獗。專派懂華語的日本人及韓國人探訪華僑。

Monday, September 25, 2006

Peru FD Report on Chinese Ministries
August 2006

The VI Congress of Latin America for Pastors and Leaders
The VI Congress was held from 8/23 to 8/27. Over 400 church delegates from many Latin American countries attended the conference filling the Miraflores Alliance Church to its full capacity. Many Alliance missionaries serving in the Latin America Fields were also in attendance. Rev. Bob Fetherlin, representing IM, was also present.

One-Day Church Retreat
Taking advantage of the national holiday, on 8/30 we planned a one-day retreat for the members of the San Borja CAC. The site was about an hour outside of the City of Lima: Club Las Leñas, Carretera Central Km 40.5, Ricardo Palma. The purpose of the retreat was for the believers to spend extended quality time in small groups to meditate and share from a pre-determined and question-guided Bible passage (Ch7 of First Corinthians); and to pray in groups for each other and for the church family. Those who attended benefited spiritually and got to know each other better.

Shot-Term-Mission Team/SJM Bible Study
From 8/26 to 9/3, the team from the San Francisco CAC was serving with us. Their primary focus was to conduct visitation and follow-up in the Districts of San Juan de Miraflores (SJM), Villa El Salvador and Villa Maria del Triunfo.

The SJM bi-monthly midnight Bible study meeting is attended by a consistent number of people (10 to 14). Currently we are studying the Gospel of Mark.

On the Personal Front
At the end of July, Michael’s mother came to visit and stayed with us for three weeks. Our daughter, Jenny, also visited us from the States for the first time since we came to Peru. Jenny arrived a week before her grandmother went back to the States. Then our son-in-law, Paul, came and joined his wife during the last week of August. We were able to get away; together with Jenny and Paul we took a three-day trip to Cusco and Machiu Picchiu. We had a wonderful time with our family members.

1. Wonderful time spent with family members in Peru. From now on, they’ll understand the situation of our life and work in Peru.
2. After the VI Congress, having the opportunity to meet and share with Bob Fetherlin and Bill Mangham our ministry among the Chinese immigrants in Peru.
3. Constant presence of the LORD, a sign of His faithfulness.

1. Pray for Kai-Ling Liang (梁凱琳), the owner of the Internet Café where our SJM midnight meetings are held. After our last meeting, Liang commented effectively that she was “half way” to believing in Jesus Christ. Pray that, through studying the Word of God, soon she will be “all the way” to believing in the LORD Jesus.
2. Pray for pastor(s) or lay leader(s) with sound church ministry experience to come and take our place while we are on H/A (March –September 2007). If no one person could fill the six month gap, then two or more could come thus together would be able to complete our six months absence from the Field.
3. Pray for the fast advancement of the True Gospel among the Chinese community in Peru. The Jehovah Witnesses are very active in targeting the Chinese here. These JW “missionaries” are of Japanese and Korean nationalities. They have recently started to hold “bible study” in San Juan de Miraflores. Like us, they receive STM teams from the U.S. and Canada.

Friday, September 15, 2006

Machiu Picchiu....was lost but now found....!!!
After three years of being in the country, we finally went and visited the world reknown Lost City of the Incas---Machiu Picchiu--- in the south of Peru. Our daughter Jenny and son-in-law Paul came to visit us from Framingham MA in August 2006. If not because of them, we would probably be still putting the trip off for another who knows... We are glad that Paul & Jenny came and we were able to go together to Cusco then Machiu Picchiu. Posted by Picasa